Heart-Centered Healing

Jessica "Starfire" Jones

Hello & Welcome! My name is Jessica Jones, but my guides have encouraged me to go by “Starfire” as a way of growing into and following my path. You may call me whatever feels comfortable to you.


I consider myself a playful light-being and walker between worlds and the every-winding sway between our shadow and light selves. Through my own powerful self-healing journey, I have learned to connect deeply to heart-center and use this through all of my work with others.

I am passionate about helping others find their path to healing as well as connecting to their true and highest self and Soul’s Purpose. I use the stars and elements to help guide others through a unique “Cosmic Snapshot” of their astrology, numerology, and human design to show them their “Soul Shine”.

Healings are intuitively guided and orchestrated with the use of Reiki, Color, & Sound therapies. Also, touching into the worlds of Yoga & Shamanism.

Emotional Wellness is a sacred foundation of all life. I therefore have created programs to use these tools in work with children as well as always having sliding scale options available for energy work.